Your law firm has invested time, effort, and money into building a website. Yet your site isn’t generating the expected leads. Why? In all likelihood, there is more than one reason your legal website isn’t generating leads. There could be a half-dozen or more.
A website is a highly complex marketing tool. And just like there are proper ways to practice law, there are proper ways to design and maintain legal websites. Do you want your website to generate more legal leads? Make sure it’s not suffering from any of the following problems:

1. It Doesn’t Target Your Audience
Law is no different than any other industry in terms of reaching the right audience. If your website is too general in nature, it is not directly targeting the clientele you are looking to attract. Change that. Figure out who your optimal client is. Figure out exactly what your firm’s specialties are. Then combine those two things to targets specific people. And while you’re add it, be sure to use calls to action.
2. It Doesn’t Speak Their Language
Law firms have a habit not speaking their clients’ language. Think of it this way: a website filled with legalese will go over the heads of most people who don’t possess a law degree. That’s no way to generate leads. If you want leads, you must speak the language your clients speak. Your website content should be written in language they understand. You might think you need to use big words and phrases to make your site impressive, but all you’re doing is chasing away clients who have no clue what you’re talking about.
3. It Isn’t Mobile Friendly
Websites do not perform well on search engines if they aren’t mobile friendly. This is just the reality. And now that Google is ranking for mobility, having a mobile friendly website is no longer negotiable. Your website must be mobile friendly if you want mobile users to find it.
4. It’s Too Complex to Navigate
Prospective clients do not tend to look for attorneys until they have a need. This dictates that most of your leads are people already under stress. Whatever their problem is, they need you to help fix it. Understand this: they don’t need additional stress caused by websites that are too complicated to navigate.
Perhaps more than any other, the legal industry needs websites that are simple, straightforward, and easy to use. Prospective clients should not have to spend 20 or 30 minutes digging around for information. They ought to be able to find what they need as quickly as possible. If your site isn’t optimized to help people convert, will move on to another website.
5. It Offers No Meaningful Content
One thing every prospective client needs when visiting your website is confidence that your firm knows what it’s doing. The best way to demonstrate legal competence is to develop meaningful content. Visitors want to see articles and blog posts relating directly to the areas of law you specialize in. They want helpful tips they can use to navigate their legal troubles.
6. It Isn’t Optimized for Local Search
Your typical client doesn’t search for an out-of-town attorney. Most people want lawyers with a local presence. Therefore, it goes without saying that your website should be optimized for local search. If it’s not, you’re not generating the leads you should. Local search optimization targets the very clients you need to grow your practice. Ignoring it is akin to ignoring new business.
Law is one of the areas we target for digital marketing services. If your legal website isn’t producing, give us a call. We can help you figure it out, then offer the best solutions for turning things around.