Telltale Signs That It’s Time to Hire an SEO Agency

Telltale Signs That It's Time to Hire an SEO Agency

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Handling SEO in-house is not unheard of. In fact, a lot of organizations do it. They handle SEO on their own because they either can’t afford professional services, or they don’t believe services are worth paying for. We get it. But with your permission, we would like to offer an alternative line of thinking.

It is nearly impossible to compete online without putting some effort into SEO. We have been involved in SEO services in Salt Lake City for many, many years. We can tell you from experience that not putting time and effort into SEO means having a website that forever goes unnoticed.

That’s okay if you really don’t count on your website to communicate with customers or drum up new business. But if you want your site to be more than just a digital property that takes up space online, you need to do SEO right. That might mean hiring an agency like Webtek.

Still not convinced? Then check out these telltale signs that it’s time to hire an SEO agency:

1. Your Traffic Has Plateaued

SEO’s primary goal is to increase website visibility. With greater visibility should come more traffic. Maybe in those early days, your limited SEO efforts produced a bump in traffic. Yet your traffic has since plateaued. In some months, it even declines.

Plateaued traffic is a good sign that your SEO efforts are not keeping up with the pace of change on the internet. So if you don’t know how to get caught up, maybe it’s time to hire out.

2. You’re Not Competing Well on Keywords

Despite the evolution online search has gone through over the last 25 years, keywords still rule the roost. That’s why it’s critical that your organization compete effectively with the keywords most likely to drive traffic to your site.

Are you not competing as well as you would like? Are you putting a ton of time and effort into keyword research only to discover that it is not paying off? Once again, it might be time to hire out.

3. Your Ad Spend Seems High

PPC and social media ads are a normal part of modern SEO services. As effective as both can be, it is also possible for organizations to spend a lot of money on ads and get very little in return. When that’s the case, the problem can almost always be traced back to inappropriate SEO.

Does your ad spend seem too high? Are you spending a lot but getting very little in return? Maybe it’s time to let an agency handle both SEO and PPC.

4. Your Traffic Isn’t Converting

This final telltale sign is one that confuses a lot of organizations. They get plenty of traffic, but that traffic is not converting. What they do not realize is that much of their traffic is from tire kickers who may be visiting the site only to gather some information. They are not necessarily there to buy.

One of the things we have learned in our years of offering SEO services in Salt Lake City is that poor conversion rates are a telltale sign that something is wrong on the SEO front. A site isn’t tracking qualified buyers. It is only attracting tire kickers.

There are many more things we could talk about in the context of hiring an SEO agency. Here is the one thing we want to leave you with: if you have any reason to believe your in-house SEO efforts are not achieving the desired results, we can help. Reach out and let us talk.

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