Optimizing Forms and Contact Methods for Healthcare Websites: Best Practices for Conversion


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When it comes to converting website visitors into patients, one of the most critical elements of your healthcare website is your forms and contact methods. These are the gateways that enable potential patients to take the next step in their journey toward booking an appointment. Justin from Webtek Interactive emphasized in his interview that well-optimized forms and contact methods can significantly increase conversion rates.

In this post, we’ll cover Justin’s key insights on how to optimize your forms and contact methods to improve patient engagement and maximize your conversions.

1. Simplify Forms for Maximum Conversions

One of the first things Justin stressed was the importance of simplicity in forms. Overcomplicating forms with too many fields can overwhelm users, leading them to abandon the process altogether. A well-designed form should be short, user-friendly, and ask only for essential information—especially during the first contact.

Best Practices for Simplifying Forms:

  • Minimize Fields: For initial consultations or inquiries, focus on collecting just the basics—name, phone number, email, and perhaps a simple message or reason for the contact. You can gather more detailed information later during follow-up communications.
  • Use Clear Labels and Instructions: Each field should have a clear label so that users know exactly what information is needed. If necessary, add short explanations or examples to clarify what’s being asked.
  • Provide Guidance: Justin suggested a step-by-step approach for longer forms, especially for intake forms. Breaking them into multiple steps (known as multi-step forms) can make the process feel less daunting to users.
  • Mobile Optimization: Ensure that forms are easy to fill out on mobile devices. Since a significant amount of traffic comes from mobile, having forms that are hard to navigate or fill out on a phone could lead to lost opportunities.

Example: Instead of requiring a lengthy intake form upfront, offer a simple contact form that only requests the essentials. Once the patient has committed to the next step, such as a consultation, you can send them a more detailed intake form.

2. Offer Multiple Contact Methods

Justin emphasized that different patients prefer different contact methods. While some may want to call your office directly, others may feel more comfortable submitting a form or sending an email. Offering multiple contact options is key to catering to various patient preferences and ensuring you don’t lose potential patients at this critical stage.

Primary Contact Methods to Include:

  • Phone Number: Always display a clickable phone number prominently on your website, particularly in the header and footer. This allows mobile users to call your office with a single tap.
  • Email Address: Make sure your email address is visible and easy to find. For privacy and security, ensure that it’s linked properly to avoid spam bots picking it up.
  • Contact Forms: As mentioned, a simple and well-placed contact form should be available on key pages of your site, such as the homepage, service pages, and the contact page. Make sure the form submission triggers an automatic email response or acknowledgment so the patient knows their message has been received.
  • Live Chat or Chatbots: Consider adding a live chat feature or a chatbot for quick questions. This can be particularly useful for after-hours inquiries when your office may be closed. A chatbot can answer basic questions and collect contact details for follow-up.

Pro Tip: Avoid offering too many contact options that may confuse or overwhelm users. Stick to the most relevant methods for your practice and your audience’s preferences. For example, if you know that most of your patients prefer to call or book online, prioritize those methods over others like email or live chat.

3. Positioning Forms and Contact Information

Where you position your forms and contact information on your website matters. Justin advised keeping your contact methods “sticky” and accessible throughout the site. This means making sure that no matter where a visitor is on your site, they always have a clear path to contact you.

Effective Form and Contact Positioning:

  • Sticky Headers and Footers: Implement sticky headers or footers with clickable phone numbers and call-to-action buttons that encourage users to book appointments or contact you. These persistent elements follow the user as they scroll, ensuring that they’re always in reach.
  • End of Content Placement: Place contact forms at the end of blog posts or service pages as a natural next step after someone has consumed your content. For instance, if someone reads an article about a particular condition or treatment, end with a form that invites them to schedule an appointment related to that service.
  • Dedicated Contact Page: A dedicated contact page should be easy to find, clearly labeled, and feature all contact methods (phone, email, and form) in one place. This page should also include your office location, hours, and any additional relevant information.

Example: After detailing your services on a page, invite users to fill out a form right below the content, or place a CTA that directs them to book an appointment.

4. Optimize Forms for Patient Personas

Justin highlighted the importance of considering your audience when designing forms and contact methods. Different patients will be at different stages of their decision-making process, so your forms should cater to multiple personas and preferences.

Catering to Multiple Personas:

  • Quick Contacts for High-Intent Users: Some patients know exactly what they want—they’ve already decided to book with you. For these high-intent users, provide a direct booking option or a streamlined form that gets them scheduled with minimal friction.
  • Longer Forms for Lower-Intent Users: For those who may be in the research phase or unsure, offering a “request more information” or “schedule a free consultation” option can help build trust without overwhelming them with immediate appointment booking.
  • Forms for Follow-Up: After a patient submits an initial inquiry, follow up with them using more detailed forms that gather additional information before their appointment. This allows for smoother onboarding while not burdening the patient upfront.

Tip: Use conditional logic in your forms where applicable. Conditional logic allows fields to appear based on previous answers, making forms more dynamic and personalized without overwhelming the user with unnecessary fields.

5. Thank You Pages and Automated Responses

Justin emphasized that once a patient submits a form, the experience doesn’t end there. It’s essential to offer reassurance through automated responses and thank-you pages that explain what happens next.

Best Practices for Post-Submission Experiences:

  • Thank-You Pages: Direct users to a thank-you page that confirms their submission and outlines the next steps. For example, you might explain that your office will contact them within 24 hours or provide additional resources for them to review in the meantime.
  • Automated Email Responses: Sending an automated confirmation email immediately after form submission reassures the patient that their message has been received. This email can also outline what they can expect next, such as a follow-up call or more information about their appointment.

Example: After someone submits a contact form, redirect them to a thank-you page with a message that says, “Thank you for reaching out! We will be in touch within the next 24 hours to discuss your needs. In the meantime, feel free to explore more about our services here [link].”


Optimizing forms and contact methods is one of the most important steps in increasing conversion rates on healthcare websites. By simplifying forms, offering multiple contact options, and positioning them strategically across your site, you make it easy for potential patients to reach out and take the next step. Following Justin’s advice and focusing on user experience will help you create a seamless and effective conversion process that brings more patients through your doors.

Watch the full interview here:

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