Billions of people use social media on a daily basis. Is it any wonder that so many businesses advertise on social platforms? Opportunities for social media advertising abound. The question is whether or not you know how to maximize social media ads to reach and convert your customers and clients.
It has been our experience that law firms fall short with social media advertising. They are experts in practicing the law, not legal SEO and digital marketing. On the other hand, these are the very areas that WebTek specializes in. We know how to maximize social media ads to reach the clients law firms are looking for.
If you would like to learn more about our services for the legal industry, don’t hesitate to contact us. In the meantime, here are a few tips for maximizing your social media advertising:

1. Don’t Be Obsessive
First and foremost, do not fall into the black-and-white trap that leads to obsessive advertising. Simply put, your firm’s growth doesn’t rely exclusively in generating new leads and turning them into clients. That’s only half the equation. The other half is retaining the clients you already serve. In the end, you will ultimately spend less time and money on retention than you would bringing in new clients. This is to say that you shouldn’t expect social media advertising to do all the heavy lifting.
2. Prepare Your Social Media Pages
You will not be able to utilize social media advertising if you don’t have business pages on sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, etc. So the first step is to create those pages. If you already have them, prepare them to work alongside your ad campaigns. Social media pages offering rich content clearly inform clients of what you do. Make sure yours are up to par before you launch your first ad campaign.
3. Target Like a Boss
Most social media advertising is based on the pay-per-click model. That means you want every click to count. How do you do that? By targeting like a boss. Some in our industry refer to this as hyper-targeting. It is highly specific targeting that goes way beyond basic demographics.
Targeting like a boss starts with the demographics. But it doesn’t stop there. Once you develop a demographic profile for your ideal client, throw in what experience dictates that type of client usually needs. Finally, consider the type of person who would already be actively looking for your services when they run across your ad. Combine all three elements to create a targeted message designed speak to a certain type of person.
4. Use Social Media Tools
Most of your major social media outlets offer tools that help you better understand your audience. Utilize these tools. For example, every Facebook advertiser should be taking advantage of Facebook Audience Insights. This tool offers a lot of detailed information on both your followers and viewers. It is information that can be used to target the right audience with the right message.
5. Design Ads That Engage
Finally, design ads that engage with your audience. In other words, avoid the trap of speaking at them. Instead, interact with them. Ads that directly address what they are thinking and feeling are the best. Ads that make effective use of graphic images and videos can be extremely powerful as well.
This post has barely scratched the surface of how to maximize social media ads to reach new clients. Needless to say, there’s a lot more to social media advertising. If you are ready to reach a whole new audience on social, we can help. Contact us today to learn more about our services for the legal sector.